Raspberry Pi running Signal K

This is my latest Raspberry Pi project. Currently this is a Raspberry Pi 4 (going to a 5 after Christmas) with 2 HATs (Hardware Attached Top - aka add-on boards). The 1st HAT is a power supply (SH-RPi) that will allow the unit to be powered from a NMEA 2000 bus and will gracefully shut down the system if power is lost. The 2nd (top most) is a dual NMEA 2000 interface, which will connect to the boat’s electrical, navigation and lighting N2K buses.

The system will run what’s known as SignalK and Node Red, which allows the system to monitor all of the electronics and log what’s going on. Everything will be stored in a time series database (InfluxDB) which will allow me to go back and review what has happened.

Lots of fun and lots learning. I can’t want to hook it up to the boat!

Hi Geoff,
Interesting project.
Can I ask how you plan to use this data? It will be a lot of N2K data records that will need aggregating / filtering.
I am interested in finding an app that can do ships log, and ideally pull in N2K data to partially complete hourly logs for example.
Predict Wind have indicated they are planning on adding a logging feature to Datahub next year.
Any thoughts on this?


You need to look into InfluxDB, which is what’s known as a time-series database. It does automatic data reduction for you. For example, you can easily create a query that provides the average(the default)/min/max/median of the windspeed for a time period.

It can also automatically compress the data after some period of time, as you may want to look at detailed data when it immediately occurs, but in a month, you might only want to see what it was on an hourly basis. It’s a very different concept from a SQL type database. I’m just starting to learn it.

There are also graphical query programs that allow you to easily look at time-series data and plot them.

Node-Red is a graphical flow-based programming system that allows you to easily interface with hardware and software systems.

Every inverter/charger/battery on the boat broadcasts its status (voltage, current, etc.) on the N2K bus. I plan to capture all of that for later analysis. On a real-time basis, I can watch the batteries’ state of charge and notify me if it drops below a certain level. I could also have it start the generator, but the jury is out on that one.

For navigation, it will log speed/course/wind data/etc. I also have strain gauges on the shrowds, which will notify me if the loads get too high. Unlike a monohull, catamarans don’t heel to let you know the wind has picked up. I also plan to have it know what sails I have up, and if the wind changes, it will tell me that I need to change the sails, course, etc.

You can also use it to run several different chart-plotter software programs, but I don’t expect to do that.

Lastly, it will be our anchor alarm, as it will be powered up at all times. Right now, I use my iPhone, but that draws a lot of power, so you have to keep your phone plugged in. This way, if we’re off the boat, something will be monitoring our position and can send a text, email, or push notifications.

I’m beta testing https://www.inav4u.com/ that will do that for you. There is a Youtube channel also called RedSeas that talks about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQanLnmrHBw&ab_channel=SailingRedSeas

You might want to look into this.

Hi Don
Red Seas are a channel I follow weekly and I have seen their presentations on Inav4U.
Does that handle ships log and do you have to use Inav4U N2K interface hardware?
I don’t really want to acquire another helm display screen.

Thanks for the info on Inav4U. I’ve never heard of it before, and there’s not a lot of information on it. Is there any online documentation on it (I can’t find any, other than a very basic install manual)?

I would be willing to bet that this is based upon the same platform that I discussed in the original post (nodejs, signalK, and maybe node red).

Don, what are your impressions of it? What charts can it use? What are the antenna connectors used for?

It’s really too bad that this isn’t available as a for-fee software only system, but I’m sure that supporting DIY hardware platforms could be quite difficult.

All the documentation is with the software.

He told me what language he was using, but it wasn’t what I use(C#/Azure) so quickly forgot it :slightly_smiling_face:

It can be used as a ‘helper’ to your sailing. Gives you warning when you need to reef, helps with anchoring, etc. Alot of what Iain and Brioni describe in their video. They do an awesome job.

Olivier who is the CEO of the product, is also the developer with his son. He is very interactive with any issues I report. His is into this 110% to make is work. Has been to many shows. At Annapolis his booth was very crowded. He just got back from the show in Abu Dhabi. And has gotten several grants for his work.

They will be incorporating AquaMaps.

Of coarse, I’m under NDA so can’t really say much about the product at this time but sure he would love to talk to you if you want me to intro you both?

iNav4U will do a personalized demo to show a deeper dive into functionality and features and answer any questions.
Can be booked here.

I chatted with them via FB earlier today, and will be scheduling a demo sometime next week.

As far as the platform goes, they basically rewrote SignalK in GoLang, which I’ve only heard of in passing.

Don, if you want to introduce me, that would be great. Thanks!

Let me know when you schedule and will introduce you.

Olivier is ready to talk to, very enthusiastic about the tool.

Don, I’m scheduled for this Friday at 11:30 Eastern Standard Time.

I ended up having a 1.5+ hour tour/chat Olivier, who is the owner/architect/lead-coder for the project. I think that he enjoyed talking to someone who understood the technology and appreciated what he had developed. I think that the only reason that it ended when it did, was that I felt bad about taking so much of his time.

I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with the technology and what it brings to the table. As someone who has owned multiple chart plotters (Furuno, North Star, RayMarine, Garmin, and now B&G), it felt like a huge advance in capability. As a commentator stated on one of the videos, “it felt like stepping onto the bridge of the Enterprise”. I’m not quite sure about that, but it certainly brings a lot capability with a very slick/intuitive interface.

This will definitely be on BlueJacket². I’m just not sure what display devices will be used to interface with it.

Santa upgraded the Raspberry Pi in the original post, from a 4/4GB to a 5/8 GB, and I’m amazed at how much faster everything is. The $100 USD upgrade was worth every penny.