We are getting new sails. The old Genoa has done really well, but it’s 13 years old and has done over 30000nm (at least) and is still a good sail.
We have had quotes for a new one. Now I’m confused with choice. … oh the 500se and 480 have the same Genoa .
Could I get the options on what sail you think we should get.
Prices are in AUD, 1 Aud is worth 0.61 USD
Hi Mike
I am not familiar with the Ullman fabric names … I was the person person that was responsible for KYC switching from Ullman to North … long story!! … the important part is I went for the Norlam cloth from NS and when compared to the weight of the standard issue sails supplied by Ullman there was over a 40% in weight saving from the cruising dacron used by Ullman to the laminated dacron (which is the NS brand name for that cloth) My sails have done over 27 000nm and still look brand new beside a small chaff section that I have repaired in Spain as where had 7 plus days of pointing really high while crossing from Bermuda to the Med last year (2024)
I am really happy with the performance and durability of these sails. I also had a Code Zero made from the same cloth but it was a lighter weight cloth than the genoa . This sail has been fantastic.
I think you mentioned you had poor service from NS in Oz … two suggestions namely : 1 Ask Ullman what cloth of theirs compares to the NS Norlam and look at that as an option. Secondly, if you are keen I can arrange for NS Cape Town to send the specs etc of my sails to a NS loft closest to you for a price, sail cut comparison etc.
Yes, I was the person that first switched from Ullman to North Sails!!! … and it is now the de facto standard for the 500. I am not aware of any yachts since mine that have had issues with their NS sail inventory.
One other thing was NS wrapped all my main sail battens in sail tape (I did not request this … it was done on their initiative … it is a great thing to do in case you crack or snap a batten. My build was #91
Thanks for the info!!
Do you have the contact details for the North sail loft in Cape Town? Perhaps they might be competitive including freight.
If KYC had a special deal with them, direct from the JYC factory would be an option.
We have hull #69. The last of the 480 design. Since the 480 and 500 share rigging, and production has been 4 per year, there will be 4 replacement sails per year, and 4 replacement standing rigging per year. This is a considerable amount of equipment.
Perhaps KYC is missing a market.
But then rigging is heavy to freight, and everyone has a different idea on what sail and fabric they want.
I’m going to go for a tri cut radial sail rather than the standard cross cut.