Dinghy - size & weight restrictions on boom extension

Does anyone have the boom extension capacity limits for a 480 … size and weight for a dinghy using the standard boom extension ?

I’m not sure of the maximum weight, but we changed our 3.6 heavy original to a much lighter 3.3 aluminium floor. The whole system is a lot happier.
Our 3.3 has an internal fuel tank, so the overall loss of space isn’t that much.

Another reason was the davits were cracking with the 3.6. I repaired them, and strengthened them, but it’s a consideration if you are increasing the weight of your dinghy.
We re-enforced the davits with 5 layers of 400 double bias glass… And after 2 days of work, the awlcraft paint is such a good product to work with. You can’t see the repair at all.

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