We have not used our Defy 144 for in about a year as we have been in the marina. Now that we can finally move south, we have started using it again.
The machine fills up with water on washing cycle to the top and gives me an error “E6 - Water intake is very slow”.
I think it is the pressure sensor that determines the level of water. I’ve pulled the tubing that attaches to the sensor and made sure it is not clogged…running and filling the tub with water I can see water rising in the tube. I’ve put a meter on the sensor and get no readings when I blow into the intake of the pressure sensor.
Has anyone had this issue before?
And seems the only place I can get a replacement is in South Africa, but they will not ship to a US address.
I used Ship7 to have items from Europe sent to the US. They have addresses in different countries that you can ship to and then they forward from there to you. Was pretty affordable because they have buying power with shippers. I’m not sure if they ship from SA.
A search of “defy 144 washing machine error 6” returns a lot of answers on how to fix it. From the online manual, it looks like error 6 is a “Lid Open” error.
There are different errors depending on which model you have. 144, 141, etc. wish there was a label on ours that said which, but no luck. I did get the lid open error which was different than the slow water error when testing out. The videos I found showed replacing the pressure sensor.
We had a penny stuck in the water outlet on the washer on Second Chance and that caused an error code and it locked up. It was a near miracle to get the penny out, but it was good to go once I got it.
Thanks Sue! Unfortunately we are heading out of the US tonight…finally😀.
Got a quote from Knysna. Part is relatively inexpensive so ordering 3 for a couple spares, but…DHL…I think I could have gotten a new machine for their price🥵
After 1.5 years and two shoulder surgeries waiting out PT in Annapolis, we are finally off! In Bimini now and heading to Trinidad to see if we can get a solid arch made. Not sure where after that.