Air Fryer Recommendations

Does anyone have an air fryer on your boat that you love? Special bonus points if I can buy it in South Africa.

Do you have any favorite recipes, too?

Talk to Grant. He said we only really need two things on our options list. Electronic throttle, and Thermamix. He can set you up for a demo of the thermamix. It created ice cream, grinds coffee, steams fish…it replaced about 5 items for us.

I’m sure you can get an air fryer at Kloppers in knysna.

We have a great air fryer which we love as it doubles as a mini oven and we bought it in Kloppers. I think it is a Kenwood.
Just on passage to the Tuamotus, will provide more details when we arrive.

We have the Kenwood 11L Fry Oven and we think it is great, it’s used for something almost every day.

Different shelves can be used to get slightly different browning. The controls are simple, just set temperature and time, the timer turns oven off so no risk of forgetting.

Personally I much prefer the shelf version to the more common “basket” versions. It also comes with a rotisserie (for chicken etc) and tumbling basket for chips.

If I was replacing it I would certainly look at this model again.

I have not had much luck with bread loaves - the top cooks too quickly.

DON’T FORGET… Appliances bought in SA often come with the big round pin 15A plugs - probably the only plug in the world that does not fit the power sockets KYC uses. Bring a few spare plugs of your choice so you can cut off the SA plugs and replace them.

Thanks, Ann, for the recommendation. I will look at that one of our next trip to the factory. Safe travels.

Have you used a thremomix on a boat? I know very little about them, but met a totally frazzled woman at sundowners a few months ago. The anchorage was a little rolly and the weight function of her thremomix was getting messed up. She couldn’t bypass the weich function, so she couldn’t cook. It was a very funny story.

We used a pressure cooker. Especially when underway. It’s much safer than using the stove.

As for an air fryer, the choice is yours. Just check the output of your inverter Vs the power required from the air fryer.

Our air fryer doesn’t have knobs. It has a dim backlit touch panel. Great for inside, but if it’s hot and you want to use it in the cockpit, it’s impossible to see the touch screen.

Knobs are great.

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We have a thermamix on board. Yes the scale does not work when swaying. But you can do the old fashion way, have a cheap mechanic scale on board. We used it all the way across the Atlantic.

I asked Grant when designing our boat what I really needed. He said only two things…this was one of them, electronic throttle was the other!

We returned our coffee grinder, mixer, bread maker(doesn’t cook the bread), ice cream maker(makes it, then put in the freezer), and probably a few others items and replaced it with the one thermamix. Returned the others back to Klopper. We are happy with it.

I have never heard of one. I will look it up if it does so many functions. Thx

They are a bit spendy, 1600USD…but I’m OCD on reducing as much as I can. And we have had some awesome dinners from it.

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Wow, I watched the videos on a thermamix, does it basically steam things? Have you ever cooked a chicken with it?

A whole chicken, no. But believe Carolyn and Jordan have cooked thighs, etc. I think they put it on the steamer rack and cook them that way. Can do fish, vegetables the same.

But steaming is just one option for things. Other recipes use the heated bowl to cook.

And although the bowl can use the heat, there are other recipes that don’t turn on the heat to the bowl.

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